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10 Ergebnisse zu:

[1.] Hutchinson, Peter: Earth on Upheaval. Earthworks and Landscapes
[2.] Gooding, Mel: Song of the Earth. European Artists and the Landscape
[3.] Gooding, Mel ; Furlong, William: Song of the Earth. European Artists and the Landscape
[4.] Colleen, Carroll: How artists see the elements: earth, air, fire, water
[5.] Ferrer, Elisabeth: Embodying Earth: Eugenie Vargas Daniels
[6.] Bourdon, David: Working with Earth. Michael Heizer Makes Art as Big as all Outdoors.
[7.] Smithson, Robert: The Earth, Subject to Cataclysms, is a Cruel master.
[8.] Earth. Symposion at White Museum, Cornell University
[9.] Smithson, Robert: The Sedimentation of the Mind. Earth Projects
[10.] Boucher, Bruce: Earth and Fire. Italian Terracotta Sculpture from Donatello to Canova

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